Graphic Design
for Publishing and the Web

Early logo designs for the major IDW crossover series

IDW's massive crossover series featuring my logo design

IDW's massive crossover series featuring my logo design

IDW's massive crossover series featuring my logo design

Comic featuring my logo design

I designed CFE's site, their logos and all their marketing materials

I designed this site and all marketing materials for Sentinel

I was the lead artist designer for ACR Nally and proudly designed their company site and logo

I not only fully illustrated the book, I also designed the logo and website for the book

I won an Addy Award for this site and the marketing materials I designed for Fisk Limo

I drew the art for the comic series, and also designed the logo and cover image for their official facebook page

I designed the FaceBook cover for TV and Film Director Josh Becker

Created for Ozark's Coca Cola