"What big things we do, to the little things we have."
―John M. Del Vecchio, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The 13th Valley

"Powerful story seamlessly told! Some naked honesty presented there. Vindicated Inc. is my kind of comic." ―Chuck Dixon!"
―Chuck Dixon, DC and Marvel Comics writer, co-creator of Bane.
―Michael A. Baron, Comics Creator and DC & Marvel Comics Writer
Sole Creator, Lead Writer & Artist Gerry Kissell
Featured Artist Richard Bonk
Introduction Mike Baron
Senior Military Advisers Dale Dye and Julia Dye
"To do good to mankind is the chivalrous plan, And is always as nobly requited; Then battle for freedom whenever you can, And, if not shot or hang'd, you'll be knighted."
―Lord Byron

Tier-One operator John Russell has just found himself out of a job, though not for the usual reasons; bad review by a superior, sacked for whatever budgetary reason. No. John's situation has come about because of a series of tragic events; first suffering a traumatic amputation in an ambush in Afghanistan, followed by learning that while he was being wounded, his pregnant wife was killed in a car accident, and then, while recovering in the Seattle VA Hospital, he is also diagnosed with severe PTSD, red flagged by the VA and placed on a med board wait list (A nightmarish year long limbo faced by thousands of veterans every day).
It seems like nothing is going John's way. But, then again, John's not one to be deterred; deciding to not waste his newly found free time, he begins going out at night, in full battle-rattle, using his specialized anti terrorist skills to wage a personal war on organized crime in the city of Seattle.
Soon, John is being hunted by criminals and cops alike, and he learns quickly that it's not just the leaders of organized crime in the city who want him dead, so do a few in law enforcement. They will, by any means necessary, bring John's war, and life, to an end.
“A bomb isn't a bomb until it explodes, and soldiers aren't soldiers, until they're doing soldier shit.” ―Gerry Kissell, creator of Vindicated inc.